Video Giving Wings to Display Marketing

Display Marketing is actually unstoppable. Sooner or later it will be the primary promotional strategy for all business in future. It’s dynamic in nature and encompasses all marketing requirements like branding, re-marketing, and ultimately converting the prospect into customer. Rather, it is sometimes better than TV ads which is the most conventional method of promotion.

What compels using video?

It can be clearly understood that video is a better medium to make the customer understand more effectively, since it contains sound, emotions, and visual effects. But, when it comes to its acceptance in market in the context of technical and financial aspects, video is doing very well. Latest report of ALF insights in 2016 says, 60 percent of marketers are looking to use video this year for promotional activities.

It has a reason as Usabilla in 2015 reported that 74% of online traffic in 2017 will be video-based. The ultimate aim of any marketer is to get the product purchased and the video proves to be effective here too, since Adobe in 2015 reported that the shoppers who view video are 1.81 times more likely to purchase as compared to the non-viewers.

A study by also says that incorporating video on landing pages can increase conversion by 80% which is quite high. The statistics available regarding video translates into that Online Video increases the number of conversions effectively.

Types of Video for Display Marketing

Incorporating a video is not just enough to get the best results. Serving the video with right content and at the right place is utmost necessary. The publisher network in India can help advertisers to make the most of video in display marketing.

  • Product Video

The primary aim of making a video is to elucidate the viewer about the product or service and the cornerstone of the product. You can make video of behind the scenes, the making of the product, a user manual guide, the story behind the product making etc. The instructional videos, especially help user to understand the utility of the product the requirement in his life.

  • About Us

About us video can contain the people behind the making of the product, the efforts taken to bring the best thing in front of the customer etc. This helps the user to know the brand inside out and it fortifies the relation between the brand and the customer.

  • Testimonials

Letting the prospects know how many people use your product and their feedbacks is quite effective. No matter how loud you shout and tell the people, they may not believe. But, a video in which the customers are telling their story on their own about the product works well.

  • Entertainment Video

You can post videos that entertain people. You can show how your product could have helped them in a comic way. An entertaining video on your landing page can also increase the engagement time with the website.

The Power of Video

The stats and facts along with a few reasons that video increases the engagement with the brand and the level of trust prove the power of video. The use of video is consistently rising moreover, it also meets the expectations of a techno-savvy user.

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