Success Factors for Affiliate Ad Networks

Affiliate Ad Network is the platform where both affiliates and advertisers join hands to take mutual benefits. A successful Ad network is one that provides maximum conversions or customer acquisition to advertisers. It can happen only in the condition when performance marketing network is having proficient affiliates with it.

A network having potential publishers can never disappoint its advertisers as it can successfully run the campaigns meeting deadlines while maintaining the quality with unique and authentic conversions. Implementing some success factors in your network for affiliates can take your network to the next level.

Commission – Offer competitive commission to your publishers to help them earn more eCPM or EPC.

Cookie – Offer extended cookie expiry period or window like 7 to 15 or 30 days or even more. This increases earnings per click or per lead and the affiliate find you more lucrative than others.

Conversion Rate – Good conversion rate attracts publishers and they give preference to it.

Average Order Value – Average Order value stimulates publishers to boost the campaign. Having stores with higher and comparable average order value will attract more publishers.

Communication – Maintain a good communication with your publishers. Have regular conversations with them. Send notification of offers and creatives in advance to help them to get maximum conversions for you. Provide enough content to promote the campaign and leverage the best results of their efforts.

Relationship – Apart from providing all the aforesaid benefits and assistance, fortifying your relationship with them is also essential. Offer some extra incentives apart from their commission like incentives for extraordinary performance or referring other publishers to join your network.

Paying extra attention on these factors will help Affiliate Ad Networks in India to expand their network in performance marketing industry. It’s time for Performance Marketing Industry to boom and generating sales using ‘Pay for Performance’ Model.

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